
ChipSeeker: the OEM's Exclusive Search Engine for Electronic Components


ChipSeeker is the OEM's exclusive search engine for electronic components.

ChipSeeker offers OEM's and Sub-Contract Manufacturers the value added technologies and services necessary to compete in today's High-Tech Industrial world!

Electronic Board and component assembly requires availability of the right components prepared to the exact customer specifications.

ChipSeeker delivers many of these services from our component technologies, management, assembly and value added groups. Chipseeker is the most comprehensive tool designed to assist you in locating hard to find, allocated, mature parts to support your production and legacy systems.

Our Mission is to provide quality product at the best price/service, maintain or decrease your standard costs, increase your customers knowledge of the opportunistic industry trends and create a long term partnership with electronics manufacturing companies seeking the best possible solutions to reduce costs and to increase manufacturing productivity!

ChipSeeker has been available since 1996 and has been tailored as a unique OEM'S tool to search electronic components and connectors available worldwide.

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