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Worth a read

Views: 2509


Worth a read | 25 May, 2006

ERA presentation to the EU Commission On RoHS exempt category 8 and 9

I will not further comment because all I can do is shake my head (for now)


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Worth a read | 25 May, 2006

ERA is well paid by EC to add further confusion !!!


This message was posted via the Electronics Forum @

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Worth a read | 25 May, 2006

Russ's head shaking along with patricks

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Worth a read | 26 May, 2006

Thanks for posting this Patrick. My head has finally stopped spinning after reading that document. Unbelievable is all I can say.

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SMT User


Worth a read | 26 May, 2006

Would any of you be willing to interpet this a little? I believe I get the gist of it, but woulf like more info.

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Worth a read | 26 May, 2006

Pete, Russ and all smtneters, I will do anything in my power to stop this nonsense. I thought for a long time I was alone on this planet opposing this lead-free paranoia, until I met John Burke. He came up with the whole push back idea. The push back might never happen but we sure going to make a lot of noise, join and let your voices be heard. SMT user,

I started to write a summary of the report but couldn't post it (Too many curse words in it)

Jim Burke did a great job look here Click on blogs

Y'all have a great (long) weekend Don't forget to visit the RoHS grave

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Worth a read | 26 May, 2006

I believe the initial link is probably what resulted from what is reported here:

My summary: There were people who were asked to look at ways to reduce the # of co.'s claiming exemption under the equipment categories 8 and 9 of the directive

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