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what software is out there that will extract XY centroid from gerber data?

Views: 22158


what software is out there that will extract XY centroid from gerber data? | 20 January, 2014


what software is out there that will extract XY centroid from gerber data? | 21 January, 2014 this does, I had a dabble and while it does seem quite capable the learning curve is quite steep and I'd wager the price is too. As with GCPrevue, the user interface is hardly what you would call streamlined or intuitive. Partly that may be because its loaded with many other features that may or may not be useful to you in optimising your process. Some surface mount machines could/can generate their files from Gerbers, but given this method will always introduce anomalies would it not be easier to insist you are supplied with CSV/ODB or other format that gives you these datum?

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what software is out there that will extract XY centroid from gerber data? | 22 January, 2014

> _a class=roll > href="" > target="_blank"_ > Place _/a_this does, I had a dabble and while it > does seem quite capable the learning curve is > quite steep and I'd wager the price is too. As > with GCPrevue, the user interface is hardly what > you would call streamlined or intuitive. Partly > that may be because its loaded with many other > features that may or may not be useful to you in > optimising your process. Some surface mount > machines could/can generate their files from > Gerbers, but given this method will always > introduce anomalies would it not be easier to > insist you are supplied with CSV/ODB or other > format that gives you these datum?

> _a class=roll > href="" > target="_blank"_ > Place _/a_this does, I had a dabble and while it > does seem quite capable the learning curve is > quite steep and I'd wager the price is too. As > with GCPrevue, the user interface is hardly what > you would call streamlined or intuitive. Partly > that may be because its loaded with many other > features that may or may not be useful to you in > optimising your process. Some surface mount > machines could/can generate their files from > Gerbers, but given this method will always > introduce anomalies would it not be easier to > insist you are supplied with CSV/ODB or other > format that gives you these datum?

try the software at . The ProntoGERBER-CONNECTION software from Unisoft imports raw Gerber data and allows the user to add intelligent information to the shapes on the display and create reference designators, theta rotation, part numbers, X/Y component pin geometries, values, tolerances, etc. This data is then used by Process Engineers or Test Engineers to program their SMT, Thru-hole Automatic Assembly Equipment, AOI and Test Equipment. It is reasonably priced and easy to use.

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what software is out there that will extract XY centroid from gerber data? | 15 February, 2014


what software is out there that will extract XY centroid from gerber data? | 15 February, 2014

At my company we have to capture centroid data from gerber information on almost a daily basis, so tinkering and toying with quicker and easier methods of getting the job done are fairly common place with us. As stated by Richard Larue UniSofts cad and gerber viewer does work rather well, and if the card you're attempting to generate centroid information from is small enough the evaluation copy of the software might just do you fine. It has tons of nifty features for other general process steps, such as conversion of raw centroid data into a machine specific format. Unfortunately ProntoGERBER CONNECTION tends to be a little convoluted with their interface. And you’ll find that many of the automotive functions are very easy to accomplish in a text editor and don’t really add much value to the software. It’s not an overly difficult software to use but I wouldn’t classify it as fairly intuitive either. Having used GC-PrevuePlus and GC-PowerPlace for a few years I can’t honestly say anything nice about the program. It does get the job done, eventually, but tends to take far too long to do it. It also has a very steep learning curve for the functionality you’re trying to get out of it. You’d honestly be much better off with Pronto.

If you’re comfortable with CAD software the best one I’ve used is DownStreams CAM350. It’s intuitive enough to quickly generate your centroid information without getting bogged down in excess features that complicate a simple process. But I’d only go down this route if you foresee the need to generate a fair amount of centroid information in the future. The software is more on the expensive side.

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what software is out there that will extract XY centroid from gerber data? | 16 February, 2014


From our experience, Gerber files are accompanied by IPC type files. These files usually have extensions: IPC, NET, 356. We have developed products that are designed to help in programming part of the SMT machine, based on these files beyond standard CAD files (which we also support).

If you want more information, you can read on our website about our solution like QPlan and QPlace on SMT category: Also, you can send me an email:

Best Regards, Alexei

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what software is out there that will extract XY centroid from gerber data? | 16 February, 2014

As mentioned the ProntoGERBER-CONNECTION software from Unisoft ( does the Gerber to intelligent shapes (ref des, x/y center, rotation, p/n, etc.) function for over 25 years.

If you wish I'm available most anytime to jump online and review the software with you and answer any questions. Online we can run one of your PCB's or use our PCB sample data files to demonstrate the software.

Please contact me if you have any questions.


Rich Larue (203) 913-0782 Unisoft -

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what software is out there that will extract XY centroid from gerber data? | 19 February, 2014

Gerber in general is not best data set for assembly, alot of processing has to be done, manually or via software tools, all with their nice features, but as you state there is no actual datum XY , pin 1 , rotation references thus has to be 'generated'. Even with all the software tools around this still can lead to issues, ie Silkscreen refdes confusion , actual XY position of a part may not be a geometric datum based on a pad stack calculation etc, leads to costly on line placement correction etc

But is unfortunate design houses, oems serving up production data sets to assemblers think this is all ok, gerber is be all and end all. The smaller CEM's process these, does not complain thus data provider never understand how much re-engineering actually gets done for assembler's. Gerber is a visual format for fabrication as main scope not assembly and test etc

Is better to get at least a PnP file along with the gerber , better still one with pin 1 XY position as this can help reference design rotation .

There is software tools that can merge the two, ie gerber layer images to PnP file markers-positions, will not have any actual package definitions but can add them later.

Yes formats such as ODB++ and others are much more advanced and can include or not include all the info you need, ALL EDA major tools offer ODB++ export., Cadence, Mentor,Zuken,Altium etc.(Most Tier 1-2 Electronics Design house/OEM/CEM use this format)

But you will need software tool to handle ODB++, but the effort to get from this to SMT is so much faster than gerber / PnP combined....

If have to choose for SMT, PnP file would be best bet over gerber anyday. Gerber + PnP better, but more advanced format that actually offers all in one is much more productive for the CEM - aka lean NPI.

Why does industry break down design data into less intelligent formats , then expect CEM Assembler supply chain to re-construct again, not so logical.....????

This NPI process in SMT is data driven, more relevant the info in, better faster more accurate output pretty simple.

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what software is out there that will extract XY centroid from gerber data? | 24 February, 2014

Depending on what X-Y centroid / CAD data you need, there are different SW I've used to do the job.

If you need PCB gerber "artwork" (rounds, rectangles, lines, squares,...geometric figures), you can use GraphicCode GC-Place & such - load the gerber files - then "writeDirect" to whatever CAD file output format (e.g. GENCAD). But that's exporting/extracting PCB "artwork" X-Y, rotate,... data.

If you need assembly COMPONENTS X-Y-rotate-reference designator-side-P/N centroid data, you have to "teach" / program each positions FIRST, by group the pads to form pkg footprints, etc. After such groupings & BOM assignments, then you can extract the X-Y centroid of the assembly components.

Some SW will then have EXPORT CAD on the menu to do that.

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what software is out there that will extract XY centroid from gerber data? | 26 February, 2014

Aegis Software has multiple solutions that will do this -

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what software is out there that will extract XY centroid from gerber data? | 28 February, 2014

Also Valor MSS Process Preparation tool Has great gerber processing tools, but as stated gerber was never targeted at SMT assembly SO ALL tools have to re-process to make usable.

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what software is out there that will extract XY centroid from gerber data? | 28 February, 2014

MSS Valor Process Preparation, also has great gerber processing...

But as stated gerber was never intended to cope with assembly data only fabrication hence not bets source of data for SMT assembly, ie has to be re-processed.

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what software is out there that will extract XY centroid from gerber data? | 5 March, 2014

There is a lower cost solution out there from Numerical Innovations Called Fab 3000 Professional.

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what software is out there that will extract XY centroid from gerber data? | 12 March, 2014

Thank Brad Fab 3000 was first soft i try that actually work without need to read whole manual and it price was right ..

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what software is out there that will extract XY centroid from gerber data? | 30 October, 2015

You can generate XY Centroid, from Gerber files using FAB 3000 V7

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what software is out there that will extract XY centroid from gerber data? | 30 October, 2015

If you want to go down this path there is a piece of free software from a dutch programmer called Visualplace. It is available here.

If you want to work from CAD files there s my sofware called PCBSynergy. It reads from a bunch of CAD formats, it is available here

f you have any further questions you can ask in an email, the address is on the homepage, or start a new question in this forum.

regards sarason

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what software is out there that will extract XY centroid from gerber data? | 4 February, 2017

GC-PowerPlace from will do this but takes time to get to grips with and can be time consuming depending on the design complexity and the type of data available.

Ideally i recommend asking for CAD data as this will contain all the information you need but i realise its not always available.

If gerber data is all thats available then can generate the centroid data

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