Printed Circuit Board Assembly & PCB Design SMT Electronics Assembly Manufacturing Forum

Printed Circuit Board Assembly & PCB Design Forum

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Placement component

Views: 2559


Placement component | 25 April, 2014

how to mark a photo with red rectangle or so, how to add text in the photo


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Placement component | 25 April, 2014


Please tell us why you need to do so.

Best Regards, Alexei

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Placement component | 25 April, 2014

we need this for some documentation purpose.

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Placement component | 25 April, 2014

Microsoft Paint

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Placement component | 25 April, 2014

how?? we have to do this manually?

if we have a big board with so many components it would be very time consuming.

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Placement component | 25 April, 2014

Whatever software was used to create the drawing that you shared should be able to indicate pin 1 of the devices. If it is based on the CAD information, there should be a setting somewhere to turn on pin-1's.

If that drawing was created manually, then pin-1 should have been added at that time.

If that drawing was provided by your customer, then, you'll need a couple of things: 1. Software that will do it for you 2. CAD data from your customer.

There are a number of packages out there that will do this for you, such as CircuitCAM, UniCAM, etc. Search the archives for process or documentation software.

Cheers, ..rob

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Placement component | 25 April, 2014

We provide similar maps for our teams as well.

For this exercise, Frazz has it. Screen print and use Windows Paint with the spray can tool to make dots. I do it often enough to have gotten very quick at it.

Or get a copy of the software used to create the original. Sometimes you have to just make do. 'hege

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Placement component | 27 April, 2014


We have developed solution called EMethodSheet. It allows you to create colored map based on CAD (or SMT machine data) and BOM. You can add different functions in different colors for a components. Also, you can add pictures of extra components. Another feature is writing remarks. All data saved to database and you can generate a result when you need it.

Read about a tool on our site:!-emethodsheet/ccr3. Also, you can send me any question:

Best Regards, Alexei

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