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Package library for europlacer RC software file path

Views: 1440


Package library for europlacer RC software file path | 6 February, 2017


I am attempting to find the location of information packages for electronic components of the RC software that is used for the europlacer. Does anyone know where RC saves the component packages? I looked in the EUROPLACER/ep/bib yet it was not there. Help....

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Package library for europlacer RC software file path | 6 February, 2017

Hi, You are looking in the right place, package library data is in the file PackageB.dbf.

Call for help if you need to: 813-246-9500.

Europlacer Tampa FL.

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Package library for europlacer RC software file path | 7 February, 2017

Hi, did my answer help yesterday? If you can tell me where you are located if outside the US, I can put you in touch with someone who can assist from one of our other offices.

Regards Chris

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