Manufacturing and assembling of electronic products


P4Q Electronics� facilities offer state-of-the-art technologies for the manufacturing of electronic circuits. The assembling of circuits with SMD technology takes place in the automated SMD line. This line offers a great flexibility and it can manufacture from short series and prototypes to large series. P4Q Electronics S.L. aims not only at meeting the client's expectations but going beyond them. The attainment of these objectives is achieved by keeping always in mind the three aspects which explain our understanding of quality: ESD Chain Control. Process and Traceability Assurance (ISO 9000). Total Quality in Management following the EFQM European Model.

Other Services:
Consultacy regarding the optimisation of the client's designs products to SMD. courses on SMD technologies

P4Q Electronics S.L. offers quality assurance based on the expertise of its staff and state-of-the-art facilities as well as a quality-focused philosophy. The client can know the manufacturing costs of their products beforehand and he can establish the most suitable delivery times.

Facility Closure

IPC Certification Training Schedule