Tridonic GmbH & Co KG

At Tridonic our daily quest is to create perfect light. 2,000 experts worldwide are working tirelessly to control, regulate and operate lighting in exactly the way you want it. And we have been doing this for more than 50 years.


When it comes to lighting components, lighting management systems and LEDs, it's not just luminaire manufacturers and lighting designers that rely on Tridonic's expertise. Growing numbers of end users, designers, electricians and architects are realising that energy efficiency, reliability and quality also pay off when it comes to the individual components of their lighting installations.

Tridonic GmbH & Co KG Postings

1 technical article »

Advanced Thermal Management Solutions on PCBs for High Power Applications

Nov 13, 2014 | Gregor Langer, Markus Leitgeb - Austria Technologie & Systemtechnik AG, Johann Nicolics, Michael Unger - Vienna University of Technology, Hans Hoschopf, Franz P. Wenzl - Joanneum Research Forschungsgesm.b.H.

With increasing power loss of electrical components, thermal performance of an assembled device becomes one of the most important quality factors in electronic packaging. Due to the rapid advances in semiconductor technology, particularly in the regime of high-power components, the temperature dependence of the long-term reliability is a critical parameter and has to be considered with highest possible care during the design phase (...)

The aim of this paper is to give a short overview about standard thermal solutions like thick copper, thermal vias, plugged vias or metal core based PCBs. Furthermore, attention will be turned on the development of copper filled thermal vias in thin board constructions......

Precision Auger Dispense Pump

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