Tonka Electronics, Inc. Products

SMT Products and Services offered by Tonka Electronics, Inc.

Tonka Electronics, Inc.

Manufacturer's representative/distributor of equipment and consumables used in the PCB assembly industry. We specialize in soldering and cleaning equipment and also tape splicing products including cover tape extenders and tools. »»

Headquarters: Bloomington, Minnesota, USA

Distributor Manufacturer's Representative

Tonka Electronics, Inc. website
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1 listed by Tonka Electronics, Inc.



SpliceRite - custom manufactured for Tonka Electronics, Inc.

Tape splicing products used with all SMT placement equipment.  Products include cover tape extenders, splice tapes, brass and steel clips, thru hole splice products, tape splicing tools and carrier tape cutters. ...

SpliceRite - custom manufactured for Tonka Electronics, Inc.


Inline Cleaning Machine Hydro-clean Array

Software for SMT