IceTech America Products

SMT Products and Services offered by IceTech America

IceTech America

Sales of Dry Ice Blasting Machines »»

Headquarters: West Chester, Ohio, USA


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2 listed by IceTech America



RoboBlast KG50

The RoboBlast from IceTech A/S enables dry ice blasting equipment to be connected to automatic robotic systems due to the great operational reliability. IceTech technicians have great experience in adapting and optimizing special requests from customers, and the IceTech RoboBlast has been...

RoboBlast KG50

IceBlast KG20S Complete Battery

The IceBlast KG20S Battery is suitable for companies that have a limited number of short cleaning tasks.It is supplied complete with an ergonomic blasting gun and 5 m hose. The machine is unique due to its size and operation principles. It is electrically driven and controlled. The machin...

IceBlast KG20S Complete Battery

Inline Cleaning Machine Hydro-clean Array

 Reflow System