Logic Control, Inc.

Japanese parts & machinery exporter,

Manufacturer's Representative

  As a small export firm, Logic Control, Inc. will help you look for products and services provided by Japanese manufacturers, and make them available in your country.
  We can handle relatively small equipment, instruments, devices, parts, components and machinery.  We quickly search out and contact the suitable providers or manufacturers and confirm if such suppliers would grant us to market their goods in your country.  Then, we ask them to quote us for prices, delivery leadtime, net and gross weights, etc. before we quote you.
  When it is necessary, we also translate product catalogs, technical information, handling manuals, etc. into English for consideration or free of charge, depending on each case.  

  The following are the products we handle as an export sales agent at this moment;  

  1) Welded stainless steel descaler / electropolisher, EP Meister 30 (Maker: Sanyo Chemic)
  2) Surface inspection lamp  (Maker: Funatech)

  3) Chemical agents, additives oil  for metal forming and machining, rust preventing and removing (Maker: Nippon Mecha-Chemical)

MSD Dry Cabinets

SMT spare parts - Qinyi Electronics