Paragon Electronics Group

The Paragon Electronics Group of companies is an integrated group of specialist electronics companies providing a range of proven component sourcing, supply chain management & electronics manufacturing

Consultant / Service Provider, Manufacturer

Paragon's electronic component supply services include market-leading high integrity electronic component sourcing, component testing, component verification and inspection services plus electronic component kitting, vendor managed inventory and vendor tail management.

Component sourcing, materials supply chain management, PCB assembly, cable assembly, box build, electro-mechanical assembly, cabinet integration & full system build ... all from a single supplier!

Our high integrity component sourcing and verification services are provided by Vigilant Components, who work seamlessly alongside Paragon Electronic Components' who provide Total Component Management™ the industry's leading electronic component procurement and electronics kitting solutions. Our Line Side Store service, also managed by Paragon Electronic Components plc, is a Vendor Managed Inventory (VMI) solution to take cost out of our customers' supply chain and pre-production materials management processes. Paragon also provides our Vendor Tail Management services which are designed to help OEMs reduce the cost of managing their smaller, non-strategic, suppliers that often represent 80% of their supplier base .

The Group's contract electronics manufacturing services (EMS) specialists, JJS Electronics Ltd and JJS Electronics s.r.o. have extensive Europe-wide capabilities, offering comprehensive contract electronics manufacturing services, including PCB design and PCB assembly to electro-mechanical assembly and precision mechatronics along with sophisticated additional services such as postponement manufacturing and configure-to-order, from facilities in the UK and Czech Republic.

Paragon Electronics Group Postings

1 product »

Supply Chain Management - Kitting

For OEMs, supporting the myriad of business processes involved in effective electronic component management from sourcing, purchasing, incoming inspection, kitting and device preparation plus inventory control and purchase ledger administration...


Supply Chain Management - Kitting

1 news release »

Beyond electronics: Precision mechatronics manufacturing is all part of the service at The Paragon Electronics Group

Apr 12, 2013 | EMS companies typically focus on their ability to deliver PCB assemblies. However, at The Paragon Electronics Group, the remit of a traditional EMS company has evolved into much more. In addition to producing high quality PCB assemblies, Paragon, through its group companies JJS Electronics Ltd and JJS Electronics sro, also takes responsibility for cable assembly, box-build, electro-mechanical assembly and precision mechatronics. For a growing number of customers, Paragon provides a wide array of electronic, electrical and electro-mechanical manufacturing services, including highly complex machine builds.

Jetting Pump for Integration

ICT Total SMT line Provider