Electronics Manufacturing Training

Technical Articles From National Instruments

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1 technical article added by National Instruments

PCB Sourcing Using PCQR 2

Dec 13, 2017 | Al Block, Naji Norder, Chris Joran

In a global market, it is often difficult to determine the best PCB suppliers for your technology needs, while also a chieving the lowest costs for your products. Considering each PCB supplier has their own niche in t erms of equipment, process, and performance, uniform test data from the IPC -9151D Process Capability, Quality, and Relative Reliability (PCQR 2 ) Benchmark Test Standard can help find the right source for the board based on its specific technology requirements. By using a data-based approach to vendor selection, this can remove the subjective nature of sourcing, reduce the need for PCB process experts to map suppliers into technologies, and eliminate irrational sourcing decisions....

Capillary Underfill process

SMT feeders