Electronics Manufacturing Training

Technical Articles From Unipress - Institute of High Pressure Physics of the Polish Academy of Sciences

Read technical articles about electronics manufacturing added by Unipress - Institute of High Pressure Physics of the Polish Academy of Sciences

2 technical articles added by Unipress - Institute of High Pressure Physics of the Polish Academy of Sciences

Company Information:

The mission of Unipress is to use high pressure methods for advanced fundamental research and technology development. The main fields: Solid state physics, Optoelectronics, Sintering of nanocrystalline materials...

Warsaw, Poland


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(2) technical library articles

Laser Direct Imaging of Tracks on PCB Covered With Laser Photoresist

Apr 15, 2008 | R. Barbucha, M. Kocik, J. Mizeraczyk , 2, G. Kozioł, and J. Borecki, Polish Academy of Sciences

The increasing demands for miniaturization and better functionality of electronic components and devices have a significant effect on the requirements facing the printed circuit board (PCB) industry. PCB manufactures are driving for producing high density interconnect (HDI) boards at significantly reduced cost and reduced implementation time. The interconnection complexity of the PCB is still growing and today calls for 50/50 μm or 25/25 μm technology are real. Existing technologies are unable to offer acceptable solution. Recently the Laser Direct Imaging (LDI) technology is considered as an answer for these challenges....

SnAgCuBi and SnAgCuBiSb Solder Joint Properties Investigations

Feb 05, 2008 | Kisiel R., Institute of Microelectronics and Optoelectronics; Bukat K. and Sitek J., Tele and Radio Research Institute; Gasior W., Moser Z. and Pstru_ J., Polish Academy of Sciences

This study investigates the technological properties of quaternary or quinary alloys made by addition Bi or Bi and Sb elements to the SnAgCu solders. The influence of added elements on the electrical and mechanical properties of solder joints created by these solders between PCB and electronic components were evaluated....

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