Metal Core PCB Materials
We are working with alternative suppliers to develop materials and process flows that are equivalent (or superior) to the current standard Laird and Bergquist offerings. Once this is complete, we will be able to offer you a viable alternative that will help to save on the piece price of a Metal Core PCB while at the same time reducing lead times due to widely available MCPCB materials.
PCB Heatsink Registration
We have developed a process flow that allows us to utilize our existing multilayer registration system in registering the heatsink to the PCB accurately to within 5 mils prior to bonding.
MCPCB Machining
We have developed different methods of machining to produce to produce high quality product using metal heatsink and metal core. These include integrating a variety of different machining tools in the fabrication of our Metal Core PCB. A smooth finish is insured by combining existing CNC machining operations as well as specialized mechanical and chemical deburring processes.
Browning White SoldermaskWhite soldermask is commonly used in LED PCB applications with metal core.