Seika Machinery, Inc., a leading provider of advanced machinery, materials and engineering services, announces that Michelle Ogihara, VP of Communications for the SMTA, will represent the SMTA headquarters and board of directors at the inauguration and kick off meeting of the India Chapter. The first chapter meeting for the new international chapter will take place Wednesday, September 25, 2013 at The Chancery Pavilion in India.
Rajeev Kulkarni, a member of the Dallas Chapter, has taken the initiative to start up an SMTA chapter in India. Initially the chapter will be located in Bangalore, but will include all of India. If needed, more chapters may be added in other India cities such as Mumbai or New Delhi at a later date. The first meeting will include presentations from respected professionals at Diebold, India, Universal Electronics Training, Henkel Electronics, and Indium Corporation.
The SMTA follows its mission statement from every level, whether nationally or by each individual chapter. Members benefit from the ability to access the mass library of technical papers downloadable on the Web site, as well as through educational opportunities with classes and presentations offered both in person and through webinars.
For more information or to RSVP for the event online, visit
Seika Machinery, Inc. (SMI) is a subsidiary of Seika Corporation, Japan and member of the Mitsubishi Global Group. SMI provides electronics manufacturers with advanced machinery, superior materials and engineering services.